
B.A.Sc., Ph.D. (Waterloo), P. Eng.

Research Interests

– Environmental fate of organic contaminants in porous and fractured subsurface systems.
– Characterization of non-aqueous phase liquid (NAPL) source zones in fractured subsurface systems.
– Transport and fate (survival) of colloidal and biocolloid constituents in fractured subsurface systems.
– Development and assessment of source zone remediation technologies.

Specific Research Interests and Activities

The input, transport and fate of contaminants in groundwater systems are of particular importance in Canada given that more than 25% of Canadians depend on groundwater for their domestic water supply. My research goals focus on the characterization, transport mechanisms, fate and treatment of both chemical and biological contaminants in groundwater. My research approach creates linkages amongst science, mathematics and engineering through physical experimentation and mathematical modeling. Our research facility includes state-of-the-art visualization and analytical techniques, as well as high-power computers.